- Visiting PhD Student, Princeton University, 2023
- PhD Candidate in Econometrics, University of Amsterdam, 2020-present
- MPhil in Economics and Econometrics, Tinbergen Institute, 2018-2020
- M1 in Economics (Incigni cum Laude), Toulouse School of Economics, 2016-2017
- BSc in Economics, São Paulo School of Economics, 2010-2014
Academic Experience
- Student Research Assistant, European Central Bank, 2017-2018
- Assisted Dr. Simone Manganelli (Head of Financial Research) with a framework for forecasting inflation path averages with judgement based on statistical decision theory (link to paper).
- Assisted Dr. Stefano Corradin with a search-based theoretical model with frictions for asset pricing (link to paper).
- Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Áureo de Paula, University College London, 2017
- Worked in the identification of Econometrics models of Networks and on databases over VAT for the Ecuadorian economy.
- Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Sérgio Firpo and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Ponczek, Center of Applied Microeconomics at Fundação Getulio Vargas (C-Micro FGV)
- Worked on projects related to microeconometrics and program evaluation.
- Scholarship sponsored by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).
Summer or Short Courses
- Econometrics on Networks (taught by Prof. Dr. Stephane Bonhomme, Tinbergen Lecture Series)
- Gravity Models and Panel Econometrics (taught by Prof. Dr. Michael Pfaffermayer, Summer School at the World Trade Institute, University of Bern)
- The Econometrics of Peer Effects and Social Interactions (taught by Prof. Dr. Áureo de Paula and Prof. Dr. Bryan Graham, Summer School at Bonn and Mannheim University)
- Tools for Analyzing Big Data and Complex Models (taught by Prof. Dr. Serena Ng, Tinbergen Lecture Series)
- Statistical decision theory (Prof. Dr. Charles F. Manski and Prof. Dr. Aleksey Tetenov, Cemmap Mastercourses at the University College London)
- Travel Grant, Amsterdam University Fund
- Tinbergen Institute Scholarship (2018-2020)
- Bronze Medal at the Brazilian National Physics Olympiad
- Silver Medal at the Brazilian National Astronomy Olympiad
- Bronze Medal at the Brazilian National Astronomy Olympiad
Languages Portuguese (native), English (fluent), French (beginner/intermediary), Dutch (beginner)
Programming Julia, R, Matlab, Stata, Latex
Other Professional Experience
- Economist, Tendências Consultoria Integrada, 2015-2016
- Economist, Votorantim Bank, 2014-2015
- Economist, Votorantim Brokerage House, 2012-2013