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I am a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam and the Tinbergen Institute. My advisors are Prof. Dr. Frank Kleibergen and Dr. Artūras Juodis. I visited Princeton University in the spring semester of 2023, hosted by Prof. Dr. Bo Honoré.
From September 2024 I will be an Assistant Professor at the Department of Econometrics & Operations Research at Tilburg University.
Primary research field: Econometrics.
Secondary research fields: (Pseudo-)panel data, econometrics of network models, distribution regression, estimation of treatment effects.
In my Job Market Paper, I propose an estimator for distribution regression models under a networks framework (taken into account through a dyadic setting). I show that this estimator is asymptotically unbiased even in the presence of sparse networks, and also in the extremum quantiles of the distribution of the outcome of interest. This method is applicable to the estimation of international trade flows, firm-level trade flows, and any other network data in which the outcomes are formed through bilateral ties of agents.
Professor of Econometrics
University of Amsterdam
Professor of Economics
Princeton University
Associate Professor of Econometrics
University of Amsterdam